Helm chart values

Helm chart overrides are performed in the ./cluster_setup/values_override.yaml file.

In the most basic format, your helm chart values override file should look like following:

kubeflow_url: https://my-kubeflow.com
webhookDomain: https://my-cluster-domain.com # Or if the same location as pipelines: https://my-kubeflow.com
    githubRepoOwner: 'my-github-owner'
    githubPatUsername: 'my-github-personal-access-token-username'
  - http://github.com/my-user/my-repo-name


Kubeflow URL

kubeflow_url: <URL>

URL where your Kubeflow is installed. Your Kubeflow Pipelines should be accessible at http:///pipelines

Webhook domain

webhookDomain: <URL>

SCM (Source Code Management) system will send requests to your webhookDomain's eventEndpoint.

For example, if webhookDomain is https://example.com/ and eventEndpoint is /kfops then requests will be sent to https://example.com/kfops.

Event endpoint

eventEndpoint: '/kfops'

Endpoint which will be called by your SCM webhook (e.g. https:///kfops ) If not set - default is "/kfops"

SCM settings

Github specific settings:

    githubRepoOwner: '<GITHUB REPO OWNER>'
    githubPatUsername: '<GITHUB PAT>'


  • githubRepoOwner is Github repository owner. Settings required for Github event webhooks and listener

  • githubPatUsername is the username who created Github's "Personal access token"


repositoriesNames: []
  # - name: '<REPO NAME>'
  #- name: '<ANOTHER REPO NAME>'

List of reposities kfops should register webhook and listen to In format (e.g. for Github repository):http://github.com/<repo-owner>/<repo-name>

Notice: The repository has to already exist on SCM server. Otherwise command helm install will not be able to properly register the webhook. If your repository is not setup yet, you can leave the [] value. Once your repostory is accessible, fill it in and run helm upgrade ... command.

Labels and annotations

Optional labels and annotations for all resources created by kfops

  my: label
  my: annotation