Container images builder


Image building takes place when chatops command /build (or /build_run) has been executed in Pull Request comment.

Note: the "build" command, apart from buidling docker container images also compiles Kubeflow Pipeline. The container image building is optional so if no images are being built, the command will go straight to Kubeflow Pipeline compilation.

Container builder uses Kaniko to build images inside your Kubernetes cluster. Kaniko requires build context and Kfops configures and uses MinIO that has been already installed together with Kubeflow.

The setup below assumes that during cluster setup helm install command was used with kfops namespace. Also, make sure you adapt your kaniko registry related settings accordingly (details below).

Kaniko Pods (and container images build by it) are executed in the same namespace as the workflows initiated by Github chatops commands. If building more than one image, they will be built in parallel and after last built is finished, it will proceed with compiling the pipeline.

Important notice: in the current version of Kfops package, it is required to configure kaniko-manifest.yaml per each repository that will build container images inside cluster. Notice that the content of this file will be identical for all "connected" repositories.

Configuring container builder Pod

Kaniko Kubernetes based configuration requires Pod manifest. This Pod Manifest should be put in config_files/kaniko-manifest.yaml. The Pod has to be modified to authenticate to your docker registry.


  • Copy the config_files_templates/kaniko-manifest.yaml into config_files/kaniko-manifest.yaml

    Note: the kaniko-manifest.yaml has been copied and adapted from Kaniko documentation, section Running kaniko in a Kubernetes cluster. Make sure you don't remove necessary sections defined in the kaniko-manifest.yaml template.

  • Depending on the docker registry that you use to store images, appropriate changes have to be made to kaniko-manifest.yaml. Simply, follow the details in Kaniko documentation, section Pushing to Different Registries.

See example setup in Example Kaniko Pod setup.

Image building configuration

Main config.yaml contains image_builder section where you can configure how images are built. Section images specifies what images should be built. Each image requires:

  • name - name that will be given to the container image
  • dockerfile_folder_path - path to the folder where Dockerfile for the image is located

Optional argument other_folders_path specifies additional folders that should be copied to the container image (folder that can be shared between all containers).

Given following example files structure:

  ⊢ my_image_name/
    ⊢ Dockerfile
    ⊢ requirements.txt
  ⊢ my_second_image_name/
    ⊢ Dockerfile
    ⊢ requirements.txt    
containers_shared_library/ # Optional

your images section should be configured as follows:

   - name: my_image
     dockerfile_folder_path: containers/my_image_name
       - containers_shared_library/
   - name: my_second_image
     dockerfile_folder_path: containers/my_second_image_name
       - containers_shared_library/

Content of containers/my_image_name will be set as CWD folder during container build process. For example, if it contains file requirements.txt then Dockerfile can reference it as follows: ADD requirements.txt requirements.txt

Content specified in other_folders_path will be copied into subfolders e.g.

  - containers_shared_library

can be referenced in Dockerfile as COPY containers_shared_library /mnt/containers_shared_library